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Welcome to the Asphalt 9: Legends Game Jolt community!


This community is made for fellow racers who play Asphalt 9. Or they are a fan of the Asphalt series...


  1. Be respectful, treat others like you want to be treated.

  2. Don't swear too much or say insults.

  3. Do not post NSFW/Porn any other kind of inappropriate material.

  4. Do not post stolen content from somebody else.

  5. Advertise ONLY in the Self Promotion channel.

  6. Post should be in the correct channel; based on what your post contains.

It is also recommended to read Game Jolt's site guidelines.

Please note that the posts should only be related to Asphalt 9. Any post not containing A9 stuff, will be ejected.

Oh by the way if you haven't tried the game yet, get it NOW!

Platforms: Windows, Android, iOS, Mac OS.

That's all there is to say, see you on the tracks!


This is an unofficial/parody community. Meaning, it's made by the fans. All rights reserved to Gameloft.

Report A community for over 1 year